Sunday, August 11, 2013

Christ Health Center Rotation

Here's the rundown
You're on the rotation w/ one other D3 and two D4s
You'll go in the front door and then enter a door to the right of the receptionist windows. Make sure they see you cause they have to hit a button to let you go back. You head towards the right and the dental clinic is down the hall on the right.
Dr. Sides is the lady in charge. She's nice and easy to work with.
Right now we're not allowed to do anything but prophy and screen/treatment plan.. some realigning dentures.. but nothing serious. You can also assist the D4s… they'll do a lot
There is an assistant and a hygienist there to help. Also nice.. you can ask them any questions about where stuff is. 
At the new pt/treatment planning appt. you'll go get the pt from the waiting room. Their names are on the computer in the clinic but their chart is in the main front office.
When they get back  go over med hx (at some pt enter that in the computer).If they can't speak english they have two translators on site in the front office. They're names are veronica and andrea. 
Then she wants you to take a quick look in their mouth and decide what radiographs you'll need..bitewings only if they have max/man, PA's on broken down teeth or if only have one arch... then take them.

Next she wants you to look at their mouths and make a list of stuff.. you know the drill.  Basically you need to put together a preliminary TP of what you think needs to be done. 

She'll come check after and put together a TP and review the one you put together. You/ Dr. Sides will enter the TP into the computer and print out a copy of it to go over with the patient.  she expects you to present it to the pt. this part was kind of awkward because I wasn't sure exactly how CHC works.. they'll usually make their next appt out at the front office 

After the appt you make your note on the computer.. everything there is digital.

The computer system is pretty cool.  It has all of the patients listed for the day divided up into 4 rooms.  The system is color coded according to their appointments and isn’t really that hard to figure out.  

That's essentially what you'll do all week.. but ask questions they're nice!

- Lauren 

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